Lambdatest Review


    LambdaTest - Quick Summary

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    • We need to test video and audio across different devices.

    Let us read the full LambdaTest Review to know more about the product in detail.

    Here are a few Lambdatest Reviews found on the internet.

    LambdaTest's test execution platform allows businesses to run both manual and automated tests

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    LambdaTest supports almost all of them making it all too easy for us to validate our development efforts.

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    LambdaTest Reviews in Detail

    LambdaTest is one of the most powerful cross-browser testing tools. The platform performs cross-browser testing for web applications across more than 3000 browsers, operating systems, and devices. You can perform both manual and automated cross-browser testing using LambdaTest. Also, the users can test their mobile application(Android and iOS) on LambdaTest emulators and simulators for configurations. Besides this, the platform offers integrated developer tools to help you debug issues in live testing. It also provides locally hosted web testing to save your website or web application from after-deployment bugs.

    Apart from this, LambdaTest offers seamless collaboration with your favorite tool and manually manages bugs and tasks. The platform also fits with your CI/CD pipeline. Furthermore, it provides 24/7 excellent customer support and ensures customer satisfaction. Read LamdaTest Reviews and shop for the best services according to your needs.

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    What makes LambdaTest the Best?

    • Selenium web testing automation.
    • Selenium grid for mobile-web automation testing.
    • Live interactive browser compatibility testing.
    • Faster Automated Screenshot Testing.
    • Integrated debugging and Geo location testing.
    • Test websites and applications on real devices.
    • Super-notch customer support.

    Review on Best LambdaTest Products

    • Selenium Testing LambdaTest provides a secure, scalable, and reliable cloud-based Selenium Grid that helps run Selenium tests faster. The platform runs the selenium test in parallel and cuts test execution by more than 10x. Further, Selenium testing ensures a seamless user experience across all devices. It increases browser coverage by running Selenium scripts on 3000+ real browsers on real desktop and mobile devices.
    • Cypress Testing The Cypress testing on LambdaTest helps run end-to-end tests at a blazing fast pace. It is a reliable, scalable, secure, and high-performing test execution platform built for scale. Also, it provides testing on 40+ different browsers across Windows and macOS platforms. LambdaTest runs Cypress tests in parallel and further cuts test execution times. Further, it reduces developer feedback times and releases your products faster, with confidence.
    • Mobile App Testing Tests your Android and iOS Apps with android emulators & iOS simulators to ensure faster delivery. The platform performs real device testing via the cloud and tests native app features seamlessly. App testing on 50+ locations with enhanced debugging and real-time logs will help you deliver better and faster.

    LambdaTest Pricing

    LambdaTest Pricing levels:

    • Lite - Lifetime free: 1 parallel test (5 users)
    • Live - $15 monthly: 1 parallel test (5 users)
    • Web & Mobile Browser Automation- $99 monthly: 1 parallel test (5 users)
    • Web Automation - $158 monthly: 2 parallel tests (10 users)


    Is LambdaTest legit?

    Yes, LambdaTest is a legitimate brand. It is reliable, safe, secure, and we haven't needed to use support. The platform can help you to simulate multiple devices in parallel. Further, Lambdatest offers an accurate infrastructure that has no flakiness.

    Is LambdaTest worth It?

    Yes, undoubtedly, LambdaTest is a worthwhile investment. The platform services fit seamlessly into your testing stack with out-of-the-box integrations. Also, it is the best cross-browser coverage across on any cloud grid.

    Is LambdaTest a Good Brand?

     Yes, LamdaTest is one of the most powerful cross-browser platforms for testing. It is a safe tool that protects all data. LambdaTest Selenium Grid supports all programming languages and all major test automation frameworks. Additionally, it provides an attentive customer support team and good training tools to understand its use quickly.

    Final Thought About LambdaTest

    LambdaTest is reliable and secure browser testing with easy onboarding. The platform has the fastest turnaround time of bringing new OS, browsers, and devices online. Also, it offers end-to-end test execution logs for easy debugging. LamdaTest seamlessly integrates with a complete CI/CD tech stack with your favorite tools.

    Apart from this, LamdaTest offers 24/7 dedicated customer support. The platform provides a free sign-up and a risk-free shopping experience.

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