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10 APR 2024Fashin

Stickman Communications Review

Blog Author
Freida McFadden

    Stickman Communications Review - Quick Summary

    What You Like the Best

    What You Dislike 

    • Tried hard but can't figure it out.

    Let us read the complete Stickman Communications Review to know more about the product in detail.

    Here are Stickman Communications' few Reviews found on the internet.

    Stickman Communications Reviews In Detail

    Welcome to Stickman Communications, the home of differently normal. A refreshingly stylish, light-hearted yet true-to-life approach to disability. 

    Using stickmen and clear, to the point descriptions and instructions to break down barriers, challenge preconceptions, promote understanding and acceptance, and facilitate communication. 

    Stickman Communications Ltd has recently achieved PIF TICK accreditation. It is the only assessed health information quality mark in Europe. You can see more information here. Just Browse via REVIEW to get more insight into the Products offered by Stickman Communications!

    What makes Stickman Communications the best

    Stickman Communications - Addressing disability-related needs and life issues through simple, fun stickman cartoons, instantly understanding complex issues. By Hannah Ensor - cartoonist and Chair of the board of trustees of the Hypermobility Syndromes Association. 

    If you have a physical disability, it can sometimes take a little longer to get to the front door when the bell rings. Frustratingly, this often means the person waiting for leaves before you get a chance to get there. 

    It is where the Stickman Communications sticker comes in handy ? it is a disability aid that lets delivery drivers and visitors know that it may take you longer to answer the door.

    Review on the Best Stickman Communications Product

    headphones badge (?1.44): A round 'button' badge, with a standard badge pin on the reverse. 

    Let people know quickly and without fuss that your headphones or ear defenders aren't you being rude, but also general enough to cover situations where headphones may be used to help cope with anxiety, tinnitus, and other issues as well as noise sensitivity.


    Is Stickman Communications Legit? 

    YES. Stickman Communications is a legitimate brand. 

    Let's face it, life with a disability is full of humor, where conventionality is a myth, political correctness is an accident, the difference is normal, and life is eternally absurd.

    So Hannah Ensor's stickmen products are here to help tell the reality of a differently normal life without a trace of pity or patronization.

    Is Stickman Communications Worth It?

    Yes. In a nutshell! Stickman Communications is well worth it. 

    Whether asked by medical professionals, family, friends, or colleagues, there are times Stickman Communications want the people around them to know about its differences - but at the same time, the brand doesn't want to spend all its time repeatedly explaining it. 

    The keyring cards can solve this issue by defining it to them. And yes, healthcare professionals seem to like these cards. The store has had several paramedics, A & E, and nursing staff contacts them, saying how much easier the cards have done their job.

    Is Stickman Communications A Good Brand?

    Definitely! YES. Stickman Communications is a good brand. 

    Stickman Communications Cards provide a great way to convey vital information in specific situations, especially where it is hard to find the right way to explain it - whether because it's hard for you to speak or find the right words, or (which is probably even more common) it is something the other person may find hard to understand or accept.

    Final Thought About Stickman Communications 

    To create understanding and acceptance of disability as a different normal through producing products that enable individuals to develop the accessibility they need. All Stickman Communications products feature the work of stickman cartoonist Hannah Ensor. 

    Hannah's unique approach to communicating about disability and medical conditions has grown from personal experience and her situations. 

    To get every product 'right,' Hannah works closely with individuals and communities affected by those conditions, contributing to the success of these relatable, light-hearted yet accurate communication tools.

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