Gotranscript Review

    GoTranscript Review - Quick Summary

    What You Like the Best

    • Video Transcription Services That Are Fast, Easy, And Affordable.
    • 100% Human-Generated Transcriptions.
    • Exceptional Quality Assurance.
    • 99% Accuracy Guaranteed.
    • Trusted by over 5,000 clients
    • 24x7 Free Customer Service.

    What You Dislike 

    • Tried hard but can't figure it out.

    Let us read the complete GoTranscript Review to know more about the product in detail.

    Here are GoTranscript few Reviews found on the internet.

    GoTranscript provides work-at-home opportunities for transcribers who want flexible working

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    This is one of the attractive factors for clients who use the platform for their tasks.

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    GoTranscript Reviews In Detail

    GoTranscriptis a professional audio and video transcription service company founded in 2005 in Edinburgh, Scotland. GoTranscriptteam consists of nearly 20,000 professional transcriptionists, proofreaders, and customer support specialists. 

    All staff members are carefully trained and certified. Aside from that, the brand reviews the quality of its audio transcription services regularly to ensure best-in-class results. At GoTranscriptall, they know audio files are more popular than ever. 

    Whether it's business meetings, podcast transcription, interviews, seminars, lectures - transcribing your content has numerous benefits. Offering a transcript of audio content helps expand your reach and dramatically improves search engine optimization. Unlike other media types, search engines can scan your text for keywords. 

    This increased exposure helps reach a broader audience without additional marketing. Just Browse via REVIEW to gain better insight into services provided by Gotranscript!

    What makes GoTranscript the best

    Whether it's entertainment, communication, or marketing, video transcription offers numerous benefits. Since search engines can't index video, an online transcription of your content will significantly help SEO. 

    It makes your content easier to find and expands your reach to new audiences. From YouTube transcription to webinars, entertainment, and promotional content, a video transcript service will help you make your message clearer. 

    By utilizing time stamping, your audience will benefit from more straightforward navigation. Don't forget the brand also offer translation services, so your captions and subtitles can effortlessly reach new audiences worldwide! Finally, video transcribing services will make your content accessible even in quiet environments.

    Review on the Best GoTranscript Product 

    Audio And Video Transcription Services: GoTranscriptcompletely understands the importance of Accuracy in transcription. That's why they always aim for 99% accuracy. This percentage holds across the board, from straightforward content to complex medical transcription services. GoTranscriptstarts by hiring only the best. 

    The brand then employs a system of reviews and checks to ensure quality and Accuracy. Furthermore, GoTranscriptstaff has no less than five years of transcribing experience, so you can be sure your audio files are transcribed with great care and attention to detail.

    Moreover, GoTranscriptloves its customers! GoTranscriptCustomer Loyalty Program is their way of thanking you for your business. Get the lowest prices around and enjoy special discounts by continuing to use their transcript service.

    GoTranscript Pricing

    • 3-Day Service: $1.10/per minute.
    • 1-Day Service: $1.30/per minute.
    • 9-12 Hour Services: $2.50/per minute.


    Is GoTranscript Legit? 

    YES. GoTranscript is a legitimate brand. 

    Let's start with the obvious: An online transcription service like GoTranscripthas low overhead costs. Although they have an office in Edinburgh, Scotland, most of their transcribers work from their home office. GoTranscriptteam consists of nearly 20,000 members worldwide. 

    An office large enough to hold them all would cost a considerable sum. By letting their staff members work from home, GoTranscriptcan offers you a better variety of skillsets. GoTranscriptdiverse transcribers can process languages, dialects, and slang that one local team couldn't.

    Is GoTranscript Worth It?

    Yes. In a nutshell! GoTranscript is well worth it. 

    What sets GoTranscriptapart: human-generated transcription services. When you search for transcription services online, you'll be met with many results. Combing through them can be daunting. But GoTranscriptgives you a tip: Always choose human-generated transcription services if the quality is a concern. 

    At GoTranscript, they carefully select and train all their transcribers to ensure a satisfactory experience for you. Aside from that, the GoTranscripttranscription service guarantees 99% accuracy every time, no matter how complicated the recording is.

    Is GoTranscript A Good Brand?

    Definitely! YES. GoTranscriptis a good brand. 

    GoTranscript has a community of more than 20,000 professional translators worldwide. GoTranscriptverifies and certifies every translator manually to keep the community professional. Translators are rated continuously to maintain the high quality of their community. 

    Furthermore, the brand invests a lot of effort and focuses on translation quality, speed, and first-class customer service to guarantee satisfaction. GoTranscriptwants you to be happy with your translation, so you'll use their services again.

    Final Thought About GoTranscript

    GoTranscriptdiscovered that audio transcription was a big pain point for both customers and transcribers. Customers had a hard time finding a high-quality and reliable transcription service. The transcribers had to spend an undue effort to transcribe and struggled to maintain the quality when faced with volumes. 

    GoTranscriptdecided to focus on audio transcription and build a system that had quality checks and balances inbuilt into the process, minimized the manual effort required for transcription, and could handle large volumes. 

    GoTranscriptwas founded in 2006 in Edinburgh, Scotland. GoTranscriptsystem is continuously under development, and they are working round the clock to improve it. GoTranscriptis on a mission to build the world's best transcription service and the best place to find audio transcription work. 

    The tireless, exacting work of GoTranscript project managers enables them to maintain a client satisfaction rate of 98% year after year. They ensure that your project deliverables meet your quality requirements and deadlines.

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